Thursday, May 16, 2024

Biden Invokes Executive Privilege Over Special Counsel Recordings

"After the DOJ stonewalled over surrendering an audio recording of Special Counsel
Robert Hur's interview with President Joe Biden over his handling of classified documents, the White House has invoked executive privilege to block House Republicans from obtaining it. 
Attorney General Merrick Garland requested that Biden assert executive privilege over the recordings following a subpoena from the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.
The Feb. 27 subpoena requested copies of notes, audio files, video and transcripts related to Hur's probe, and had a deadline of March 7.
"Americans expect equal justice under the law and DOJ is allowing the Bidens to operate above it," House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said in an April statement. "Special Counsel Hur’s report outlined that classified documents Joe Biden stashed for years relate to countries where his family cashed in on the Biden brand."
In response to a request for audio of what author Mark Zwonitzer recorded while interviewing Biden, whose two memoirs he wrote, Assistant AG Carlos Felipe Uriarte said there is no need for the department to hand it over because the committees also have transcripts of the interviews. Hur's 345-page report concluded that no charges should be brought against Biden due to cognitive decline.
"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory," Hur wrote.
Hur cited 2017 conversations between Biden and Zwontizer, which Hur described as "painfully slow, with Mr. Biden struggling to remember events and straining at times to read and relay his own notebook entries."" ZeroHedge

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Special Counsel Robert Hur Confirms Joe Biden’s Classified Documents Were Found in 7 Places

"Special Counsel Robert Hur on Tuesday confirmed President Joe
willfully retained” classified documents were found in seven places throughout several locations.
During Rep. Kelly Armstrong’s (R-ND) line of questioning in Tuesday’s Judiciary Committee hearing,
Hur confirmed that federal authorities located classified documents in seven locations." 

Friday, February 9, 2024

GOP Calls to Invoke 25th Amendment After Special Counsel Casts Doubt on Biden’s Mental Acuity: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Codes’

"Following Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which included stunning revelations of the deterioration of President Joe Biden’s mental state, Republican officials are calling to invoke the 25th
Amendment. They state that “if ever there were a time to do so, now would be it,” and insist that if the president “is not competent to stand trial, then he is certainly not competent to lead the free world.”

In response, Republican members are urging the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment — which addresses presidential succession and disability procedures — or face impeachment, while questioning how Democrats in “good conscience” can tell Americans he is mentally competent enough to continue being Commander-in-Chief.

For the safety of our nation, Joe Biden must resign,” declared Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL). “He could not remember basic facts about his life. He is not competent to remain as Commander-in-Chief & every day that he remains, he puts America at risk.”

Angry Joe Biden Attacks Special Counsel in Evening White House Rant: ‘How the Hell Dare He!

"President Joe Biden angrily attacked Special Counsel Robert Hur during his press conference on Thursday for mentioning in a recent report that the president had trouble remembering when his son Beau died. 
Robert Hur said in his report that the president has suffered from cognitive decline, which has affected his memory. 
Hur even used this as a basis to recommend that he not be prosecuted for “willfully” retaining classified documents. 
Hur’s report is riddled with examples and assessments that Biden’s mental faculties and memory have deteriorated, saying, “Mr. Biden’s memory also appeared to have significant limitations.” 
For Hur to have included that special detail about his inability to remember when Beau died in his report, the president lashed out during the press conference, saying, “how the hell dare he!” 

'Too Old And Feeble': No Charges For Biden Despite 'Willful' Mishandling Of Docs, National Security Risk

"The latest evidence of a two-tiered justice system and Democrats apparently above the law comes in a report released Thursday
afternoon by the special counsel investigating
President Biden's mismanagement of classified documents, which decided against charging the president.

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," according to a special counsel's final report.

In the report, special counsel Robert Hur wrote, "Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Despite the president's mishandling of classified documents about foreign policy and the military and pages and pages of entries about national security, the special counsel concluded:

"We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.
We reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president." Breitbart

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Bombshell Hits Classified Docs Scandal - Biden Officials Knew, Scuttling President’s Defense

"While the supposedly accidental discovery of documents took place in November, when the Biden team notified the National Archives, they were not reported to the American public until CBS broke the story in January. (The Biden White House that had been attacking Trump for classified documents still in his possession clearly didn't want Americans making the obvious comparison.)
More documents were later "discovered" at
Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware, with yet another batch supposedly turning up later at Biden's home.
Between May and October of 2022, according to the timeline,
numerous White House staffers -- including then-White House Counsel
Dana Remus --- inventoried the documents, packed them up, and even took some away.
There is no reasonable explanation as to why this many White House employees and lawyers were so concerned with retrieving boxes they believed only contained personal documents and materials.
Claims by
Biden and the Democrats that his classified document scandal was somehow better than the investigation surrounding Trump's handling of classified documents were based largely on the argument that Biden's team had been so forthcoming -- notifying the National Archives about the situation as soon as it was discovered, etc.
But that wasn't true, or even close to true, according to Comer's timeline.
"Biden insisted that he was entirely 'surprised' by the discovery of the documents in Nov. 2021," Turley wrote, citing establishment media accounts from January. "He echoed the narrative of both his lawyers and the media at large: 'And they did what they should have done,' he said. 'They immediately called the Archives -- immediately called the Archives, turned them over to the Archives, and I was briefed about this discovery.'”
If Comer's timeline is the truth -- Biden's statement is not. It's as simple as that.

And that raises the perennial Washington scandal question: "What did the president know and when did he know it?" WJ

New Evidence Suggests Biden Lied About Classified Documents

This week, the House Oversight Committee released a new timeline on the discovery of classified documents in various locations associated with Biden,” wrote The Hill.
Evidence shows that the documents were repeatedly moved and divided up, with documents surfacing at Biden’s Penn Center office, his library, and even his garage.
Biden has claimed he had no knowledge of such documents, but evidence suggests he did.

It appears that a critical claim by the White House in the scandal may not only be false but was knowingly false at the time it was made.
The committee now alleges that the White House omitted months of communications, planning, and coordinating among multiple White House officials, [Kathy] Chung, Penn Biden Center employees, and President Biden’s personal attorneys to retrieve the boxes containing classified materials. 
The timeline also omitted multiple visits from at least five White House employees, including Dana Remus, Anthony Bernal, Ashley Williams, Annie Tomasini, and an unknown staffer.” NM