Friday, February 9, 2024

GOP Calls to Invoke 25th Amendment After Special Counsel Casts Doubt on Biden’s Mental Acuity: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Codes’

"Following Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which included stunning revelations of the deterioration of President Joe Biden’s mental state, Republican officials are calling to invoke the 25th
Amendment. They state that “if ever there were a time to do so, now would be it,” and insist that if the president “is not competent to stand trial, then he is certainly not competent to lead the free world.”

In response, Republican members are urging the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment — which addresses presidential succession and disability procedures — or face impeachment, while questioning how Democrats in “good conscience” can tell Americans he is mentally competent enough to continue being Commander-in-Chief.

For the safety of our nation, Joe Biden must resign,” declared Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL). “He could not remember basic facts about his life. He is not competent to remain as Commander-in-Chief & every day that he remains, he puts America at risk.”

Angry Joe Biden Attacks Special Counsel in Evening White House Rant: ‘How the Hell Dare He!

"President Joe Biden angrily attacked Special Counsel Robert Hur during his press conference on Thursday for mentioning in a recent report that the president had trouble remembering when his son Beau died. 
Robert Hur said in his report that the president has suffered from cognitive decline, which has affected his memory. 
Hur even used this as a basis to recommend that he not be prosecuted for “willfully” retaining classified documents. 
Hur’s report is riddled with examples and assessments that Biden’s mental faculties and memory have deteriorated, saying, “Mr. Biden’s memory also appeared to have significant limitations.” 
For Hur to have included that special detail about his inability to remember when Beau died in his report, the president lashed out during the press conference, saying, “how the hell dare he!” 

'Too Old And Feeble': No Charges For Biden Despite 'Willful' Mishandling Of Docs, National Security Risk

"The latest evidence of a two-tiered justice system and Democrats apparently above the law comes in a report released Thursday
afternoon by the special counsel investigating
President Biden's mismanagement of classified documents, which decided against charging the president.

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," according to a special counsel's final report.

In the report, special counsel Robert Hur wrote, "Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Despite the president's mishandling of classified documents about foreign policy and the military and pages and pages of entries about national security, the special counsel concluded:

"We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.
We reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president." Breitbart