Friday, January 13, 2023

Should Someone This Dumb Be the Special Counsel Investigating Biden's Stolen Classified Documents Scandal?

"Robert Hur is the man who served as the DOJ point man to Robert
Mueller’s special counsel investigation looking into Donald Trump’s alleged side hustle as a Russian secret agent — Double 45.
He is the same guy who vetted retired British spy Christopher Steele, a disgraced (sensing a pattern here?) spy who was fired by the FBI (and then used on the QT by his cutout Bruce Ohr) and hired actual Russian spies on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to make up information on Trump...... a document that shows Hur was a key man who dealt with Steele’s disinformation and got a FISA warrant to spy on Trump World using faked information that had been conjured up by the Hillary Clinton campaign. 
This dumbness shouldn’t be a resume enhancer." TrendingPolitics

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