Saturday, February 25, 2023

LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From ‘Biden Showered With His Daughter’

"Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates was the subject of ridicule
this week after he retweeted a video from an account mocking Joe Biden.
XStrategies LLC senior digital strategist and former Daily Caller social media supervisor Greg Price shared a video of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Piere, and Bates reshared it, but Price changed his account name to Joe Biden Showered With His Daughter, which then appeared under the video on Bates’s timeline.
The name change was in reference to one of the more salacious details in the diary of Joe Biden’s daughter.  
Ashley Biden revealed some shocking allegations, including that Joe used to take inappropriate showers with her." PJM

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

FBI Searches, Retrieves Materials from Biden Document Stashes at University of Delaware

"The FBI twice searched the University of Delaware in recent weeks for classified documents stashed by President Joe Biden and retrieved materials from two separate locations, according to a report Wednesday evening.
That the FBI searched the University of Delaware is notable. According to a Government Accountability Institute analysis, the University of Delaware received more than $6.7 million from anonymous donors from China. The donors include direct funds from the Chinese government." Breitbart

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Investigators Zero In On Key Suspect In Biden Document Scandal

"Investigators are digging deepter into longtime Joe Biden aide Kathy Chung after it was discovered she played a key role in transporting sensitive materials to the Penn Biden Center in Washington D.C. after Biden left office in 2017.
The House Oversight Committee sent her a damning letter over the weekend which demanded documents and information as part of the congressional inquiry into the Biden document scandal. Chung has also been caught for having ties to Hunter Biden himself. 
Reports also indicate federal law enforcement officials have interviewed you about the ongoing Department of Justice probe into President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and possible violation of the Presidential Records Act. Documents on file with the Committee reveal that President Biden’s son—Robert Hunter Biden—initially proposed a job in Vice President Biden’s office to you in May 2012. Hunter described your potential responsibilities as replacing the “primary gatekeeper for the VP” and “conduit everyone goes through to get to [Vice President Biden].
NEW: Kathy Chung first met the Bidens in the 1990s when she overlapped with Hunter Biden at Commerce. Hunter later recruited her to work for his father in VP office. Now Kathy is at the center of the docs investigation..." TP

Friday, February 3, 2023

Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Consider Biden’s Handling of Classified Documents a ‘Major Scandal’

"The survey noted that a special counsel is investigating how
classified documents — from Biden’s time as vice president during the Obama administration — ended up in multiple locations, including his Delaware home. When asked if it is a major scandal, minor scandal, or no scandal at all, nearly half, 48 percent, agreed it is a “major scandal.” 
Nearly a quarter, 24 percent, consider it a “minor” scandal, and another 24 percent consider it “no” scandal at all. Four percent remain unsure.
The survey also asked, “How likely is it that information from classified documents was used by Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in his foreign business deals?”
Most believe it is at least somewhat likely, and of those, 44 percent believe it is “very” likely. 
Most, 59 percent, also at least somewhat agree that the Biden family has been “influence-peddling for a decade. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

FBI Conducted Previously Undisclosed Search at Penn Biden Center in November

"The FBI searched the Penn Biden Center in mid-November after President Joe Biden’s attorneys found documents with classified markings at the think tank earlier that month, according
to a report published Tuesday by CBS.
The revelation of the search, which neither the White House nor Justice Department (DOJ) have disclosed to the public, compounds existing concerns Biden is facing about transparency with the case.
Republicans have taken issue with the fact that both the White House and DOJ knew about the classified documents issue before the November 8 midterm election but that the public did not become aware of it until CBS reported it on January 9." Breitbart