Friday, February 3, 2023

Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Consider Biden’s Handling of Classified Documents a ‘Major Scandal’

"The survey noted that a special counsel is investigating how
classified documents — from Biden’s time as vice president during the Obama administration — ended up in multiple locations, including his Delaware home. When asked if it is a major scandal, minor scandal, or no scandal at all, nearly half, 48 percent, agreed it is a “major scandal.” 
Nearly a quarter, 24 percent, consider it a “minor” scandal, and another 24 percent consider it “no” scandal at all. Four percent remain unsure.
The survey also asked, “How likely is it that information from classified documents was used by Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in his foreign business deals?”
Most believe it is at least somewhat likely, and of those, 44 percent believe it is “very” likely. 
Most, 59 percent, also at least somewhat agree that the Biden family has been “influence-peddling for a decade. 

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