Saturday, January 28, 2023

Hunter Biden email may point to core of classified documents scandal

"Miranda Devine of The New York Post may have brought us a little closer to the answer. 
So she analyzed the documents that we do have, the ones found on Hunter Biden's famous laptop. And on that laptop, she found a
remarkable email, an email the Justice Department has never shown to the public, despite the fact its agents have had it for years. And the document that Miranda Devine found indicates that Hunter Biden had classified information in his possession. Almost certainly that came from his father, then the vice president. And that he used that information to make piles of money for the Biden family while working at a fake job in Ukraine. That's what it shows.
So if there's an actual scandal at the core of this classified documents story, here it is. So here are the details.
On April 13, 2014, Hunter Biden sent an email to his business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer. Now, he sent this a week before his father, the vice president, flew to Ukraine to meet with Ukraine's prime minister. In the email, Hunter Biden composed a detailed memo with nearly two dozen data points about the political and strategic situation on the ground in Ukraine. What's so immediately striking and Miranda Devine pointed this out, having read the entire laptop, is that this email bears no resemblance to anything else we have that Hunter Biden has ever written. In fact, it sounded like something produced by the State Department.
There's no question that Hunter Biden used classified materials to assemble this email. Listen carefully: "The strategic values to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea," he writes at one point. Notice he uses the diplomatic abbreviation for Russia, RU, because he's in the know. "That won't directly affect Burisma holdings, but it will limit future UK exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular." "It will also," Hunter Biden added, "further destabilize the UK nationally and for whatever government is in power and the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU, which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases" and so on.
Keep in mind that when Mike Flynn mentioned the topic – just mentioned the topic – of sanctions to the ambassador from Russia, the FBI swooped in and destroyed his life and threatened to send him to prison. And he was the National Security Advisor at the time. He had the highest possible clearances you could have. Hunter Biden had no clearances whatsoever. He was the drug addict son of the vice president. And here he is in this email casually mentioning to his business partner that sanctions may be coming, and here are the effects on the EU and energy prices in order to keep making $80 grand a month in a no-show job on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, working on a topic he knew nothing about.
So what are we looking at here? What we're looking at is a crime. That's a crime. A real one. Hunter Biden clearly knew it was a crime. He told his business partner in the same email to go to CVS and buy a "burner phone" to make sure their conversations were not seen by anyone else. Now, what's amazing and so telling is that the DOJ has had this for years because the FBI seized Hunter Biden's laptop before the last presidential election in 2020. " FOX

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