Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ted Cruz Finds Damning Connection Between Hunter Biden And Classified Docs

"Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is now opening up about a sliver of
evidence that he has found that may be damning in the Biden classified document scandal… The Senator is now calling on the FBI to search Hunter Biden’s residence for any classified documents or materials due to the connections of where the classified information has been left.
Cruz made this call to action after it was revealed that Joe Biden’s classified documents were held at the former Vice President’s residence in Delaware.
The connection that Cruz made was that that very residence was listed as Hunter Biden’s residence during the height of his drug issues which were reported to include blackouts, excessive drug use and drinking.
It seems he [President Biden] leaves classified documents wherever he goes. And we also know that Hunter Biden at times was — declared his residence to be those very same places,” Cruz told Fox News.
Well, the one thing we know for sure is Hunter Biden didn’t write that. Hunter Biden is not an expert on Ukraine, he’s not an expert on Eastern Europe, he’s not an expert on Russia, but that email did help get him on the board of Burisma.”Breitbart

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