Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ted Cruz Finds Damning Connection Between Hunter Biden And Classified Docs

"Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is now opening up about a sliver of
evidence that he has found that may be damning in the Biden classified document scandal… The Senator is now calling on the FBI to search Hunter Biden’s residence for any classified documents or materials due to the connections of where the classified information has been left.
Cruz made this call to action after it was revealed that Joe Biden’s classified documents were held at the former Vice President’s residence in Delaware.
The connection that Cruz made was that that very residence was listed as Hunter Biden’s residence during the height of his drug issues which were reported to include blackouts, excessive drug use and drinking.
It seems he [President Biden] leaves classified documents wherever he goes. And we also know that Hunter Biden at times was — declared his residence to be those very same places,” Cruz told Fox News.
Well, the one thing we know for sure is Hunter Biden didn’t write that. Hunter Biden is not an expert on Ukraine, he’s not an expert on Eastern Europe, he’s not an expert on Russia, but that email did help get him on the board of Burisma.”Breitbart

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Hunter Biden email may point to core of classified documents scandal

"Miranda Devine of The New York Post may have brought us a little closer to the answer. 
So she analyzed the documents that we do have, the ones found on Hunter Biden's famous laptop. And on that laptop, she found a
remarkable email, an email the Justice Department has never shown to the public, despite the fact its agents have had it for years. And the document that Miranda Devine found indicates that Hunter Biden had classified information in his possession. Almost certainly that came from his father, then the vice president. And that he used that information to make piles of money for the Biden family while working at a fake job in Ukraine. That's what it shows.
So if there's an actual scandal at the core of this classified documents story, here it is. So here are the details.
On April 13, 2014, Hunter Biden sent an email to his business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer. Now, he sent this a week before his father, the vice president, flew to Ukraine to meet with Ukraine's prime minister. In the email, Hunter Biden composed a detailed memo with nearly two dozen data points about the political and strategic situation on the ground in Ukraine. What's so immediately striking and Miranda Devine pointed this out, having read the entire laptop, is that this email bears no resemblance to anything else we have that Hunter Biden has ever written. In fact, it sounded like something produced by the State Department.
There's no question that Hunter Biden used classified materials to assemble this email. Listen carefully: "The strategic values to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea," he writes at one point. Notice he uses the diplomatic abbreviation for Russia, RU, because he's in the know. "That won't directly affect Burisma holdings, but it will limit future UK exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular." "It will also," Hunter Biden added, "further destabilize the UK nationally and for whatever government is in power and the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU, which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases" and so on.
Keep in mind that when Mike Flynn mentioned the topic – just mentioned the topic – of sanctions to the ambassador from Russia, the FBI swooped in and destroyed his life and threatened to send him to prison. And he was the National Security Advisor at the time. He had the highest possible clearances you could have. Hunter Biden had no clearances whatsoever. He was the drug addict son of the vice president. And here he is in this email casually mentioning to his business partner that sanctions may be coming, and here are the effects on the EU and energy prices in order to keep making $80 grand a month in a no-show job on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, working on a topic he knew nothing about.
So what are we looking at here? What we're looking at is a crime. That's a crime. A real one. Hunter Biden clearly knew it was a crime. He told his business partner in the same email to go to CVS and buy a "burner phone" to make sure their conversations were not seen by anyone else. Now, what's amazing and so telling is that the DOJ has had this for years because the FBI seized Hunter Biden's laptop before the last presidential election in 2020. " FOX

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Democrats Turn on Joe Biden over Endless Classified Docs Revelations

"Democrats are becoming increasingly dismayed by the endless revelations of classified documents being hoarded by President Joe Biden and the bungled responses from the White House on the issue. The president told reporters on Thursday he had “no regrets” over how and when the public learned about the documents and that there was “no there there.” Breitbart

Sunday, January 22, 2023

DOJ Searches Biden’s Home, Finds More Documents with Classified Markings

"The Justice Department conducted a search of President Joe Biden’s Wilmington home Friday and found even more documents with classified markings, according to Biden’s personal attorney. 
The White House had previously claimed on January 14 the search for all classified documents was completed." Breitbart

Friday, January 20, 2023

White House Officials Are ‘Suspicious’ of Classified Doc Leak to Press After 68 Days of Secrecy

"White House officials are reportedly suspicious about how
President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal was leaked to the press after only a select group of White House and Justice Department officials knew about the violation.
The plot to hide the scandal, initially designed by eight of Biden’s closest confidants with apparent approval from the Justice Department, was suddenly leaked to CBS News 68 days after Biden’s personal attorney unearthed the classified documents at the Penn Biden Center. It is unclear why or what Biden’s personal attorneys were originally seeking at the center funded in part by anonymous Chinese donations.
According to the New York Times, there is suspicion within the White House about how the scandal became public after it had been tightly under wraps for weeks between Biden’s eight aides and the Justice Department. Despite the administration’s claims of transparency after the fact, those eight aides and the DOJ agreed to hide the scandal from the American people until it leaked to the press on January 9, sixty-eight days after the documents were unearthed by an unknown cause on November 2, the Washington Post reported Thursday." Bretbart

Thursday, January 19, 2023

‘Inside Job’? Mystery Woman Who Moved Biden’s Classified Docs Gave ‘Treasure Trove’ of Intel to Hunter Biden

"Kathy Chung, Biden’s executive assistant for Joe Biden when he was vice president, was a close associate of Hunter Biden who gave him what a retired top general called a “treasure trove” of intelligence information that was ultimately leaked from his infamous laptop.
Hunter Biden was so close to the “mystery woman,” whose profile images have been widely scrubbed from the Internet, that he recommended Chung to work for his father in the vice president’s office while she was working for former Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) in 2012.
More valuable to foreign intelligence services would be the hundreds of phone numbers for security officials, senators and congressmen, and numerous celebrities that Chung passed on to Hunter Biden.
This highly sensitive information was stored on Hunter Biden’s unencrypted laptop and mobile devices.Chung currently serves as deputy director of protocol for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Pentagon Press Secretary Brig Gen Patrick Ryder has referred all questions about Chung’s interview to the Department of Justice.
Hunter Biden claimed Russians stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Las Vegas hotel room.
The third laptop still appears to be missing – and was taken by Russian drug dealers after they partied with Hunter in Vegas, he told a prostitute in a conversation caught on camera." TP

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

COLLUSION? Feds Interviewed Biden Attorneys But Sneakily Ditched “302” Summary Form

"It now appears that collusion is going on between President Joe
attorneys and the federal government.
According to a new report from CNN, federal investigators interviewed Biden’s attorneys but failed to use a 302 form to summarize what went on during the interview.
CNN sources have revealed that Patrick Moore, a lawyer who initially discovered classified materials while packing up an office for former think tank of Biden, was interviewed by a team led by U.S. Attorney John Lausch during the initial review of the President’s handling of documents. The report stated that the absence of a “302” form to document the interview highlights the informal nature of the inquiry at the time.
Are we witnessing a cover up?
According to a different report, the Department of Justice (DOJ) opted out from sending FBI agents to President Joe Biden’s Delaware home where classified documents were found.
The DOJ decided to look the other way as Biden’s personal attorneys searched the home for top secret documents." TP

Hunter Biden Lived in Wilmington House with Classified Documents While Bagging Millions Linked to the Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence

"While addicted to drugs, cavorting with prostitutes, and making deals with businessmen tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, Hunter Biden lived in the house where Joe Biden stored classified documents.
Hunter also listed that Wilmington address as his primary residence on at least one form of identification (his Delaware driver’s license) and used the same address as his billing address for both his personal credit card and Apple account in 2018 and 2019.
Contrary to some reporting, Hunter Biden was not paying his father $49,910 per month; rather, that figure represents the amount Hunter was paying to rent prime office space at the prestigious House of Sweden in Washington, D.C., materials in Hunter’s laptop show.
Nevertheless, the period that Hunter claimed he was living at 1209 Barley Mill Rd (the Wilmington house where classified documents were found) overlaps with the time multiple Biden family members were taking money from foreign businessmen linked to the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence apparatus.
Beginning in late 2015, while his father was still vice president, Hunter Biden began making plans to meet with officials from the Chinese energy company CEFC. CEFC and at least four of its principals and associates, Ye Jianming, Patrick Ho, Gongwen Dong and Jiaqi Bao, have been linked to the Chinese government and its military intelligence apparatus. Hunter once described Patrick Ho as “the f*****g spy chief of China.” Breitbart

Joe Rogan On Biden: "They're Trying To Get Rid Of Him"

"During a discussion on his podcast, Joe Rogan suggested the latest scandals surrounding Joe Biden suggested that top Democrats are “trying to get rid of him.”
According to Joe Rogan, the scandal is part of a Democrat subversion campaign to ensure Biden doesn’t try to run for office again in 2024.
“If all of a sudden they’re — his own aides are sending these — instead of like taking these classified documents, which you have located and go, ‘Well, let’s not do that again’ and locking them up somewhere,” Rogan added. His own aides.” ZEROHEDGE

Monday, January 16, 2023

Former Clinton Official Says Biden is in “Very, Very Big” Trouble Over Doc Scandal

"Biden is in very big trouble over his recent classified document
scandal according to Former Clinton administration official and current CNN political analyst David Gergen.
The comments from Gergen came during an interview with CNN host Anderson Cooper who asked how big of a deal the classified document scandal was for Biden.
Gergen replied: “It’s very, very big.” PJMedia

Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50k Per Month To Rent House Where Classified Documents Found?

"The now-52-year-old began listing the Wilmington home as his address following his 2017 divorce from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle — even falsely claiming he owned the property on a July 2018 background check form as part of a rental application...... Hunter lists the "Monthly Rent" as $49,910 - or roughly $550,000 for the 11 months he indicated he lived there?....But why was his wealthy ex-VP dad charging him rent in the first place, when Hunter was allegedly broke?
The following year, federal investigators began looking into whether Hunter and his business associates violated tax and money laundering laws during their dealings in China and other countries. Emails and other records related to the deals were found on the laptop, which Hunter dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in 2019 and never reclaimed...."I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," Hunter told his daughter Naomi in January, 2019. "It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary." Breitbart

Biden Admin Fails to Comply with Classified Doc Probe After Vowing ‘Highest Standards of Transparency’

"Wednesday, Rep. James Comer, the chair of the House Oversight
Committee, requested the National Archives disclose all documents and communications between or among the White House and the Department of Justice or NARA [National Archives and Records Administration] regarding the documents retrieved from President Biden’s personal office at the Penn Biden Center.
The National Archives has apparently not complied. Comer told Fox News on Saturday the National Archives is stonewalling the Oversight Committee’s investigation.
Meanwhile, there appears to be a blame game brewing within the Biden administration about who is responsible for the mishandling of classified documents — some of which are top secret.
A report by CNN revealed Biden administration officials are blaming the National Archives for refusing to treat then-Vice President Biden’s records with the “same high regard” as it did former President Obama’s records.
Law enforcement has reportedly begun interviewing individuals responsible for the violation. According to NBC News, Joe Biden’s former executive assistant Kathy Chung, hired to the post after a  recommendation from Hunter Biden, was questioned by law enforcement over the classified documents stashed in three separate locations. Chung’s employment as Joe Biden’s assistant was in part due to Hunter Biden, who recommended his father hire her, according to Hunter’s laptop emails." Breitbart

Sunday, January 15, 2023

More Classified Documents Found At Biden's Delaware Home

"Another day, another report of President Biden having classified documents scattered all over the place - as opposed to a safe at Mar-a-Lago...... the New York Times reports that 'additional pages of classified information' were found at President Biden's Delaware home on
Thursday, hours after a White House statement acknowledging that a classified document was found in a storage area 'adjacent to the garage' of his Wilmington home, which Biden's aides reportedly discovered the night before." Breitbart

Friday, January 13, 2023

Should Someone This Dumb Be the Special Counsel Investigating Biden's Stolen Classified Documents Scandal?

"Robert Hur is the man who served as the DOJ point man to Robert
Mueller’s special counsel investigation looking into Donald Trump’s alleged side hustle as a Russian secret agent — Double 45.
He is the same guy who vetted retired British spy Christopher Steele, a disgraced (sensing a pattern here?) spy who was fired by the FBI (and then used on the QT by his cutout Bruce Ohr) and hired actual Russian spies on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to make up information on Trump...... a document that shows Hur was a key man who dealt with Steele’s disinformation and got a FISA warrant to spy on Trump World using faked information that had been conjured up by the Hillary Clinton campaign. 
This dumbness shouldn’t be a resume enhancer." TrendingPolitics

AG Garland Appoints Special Prosecutor To Probe Biden's Classified Docs Mishandling

"The DoJ names Robert Hur, a partner at Gibson Dunn, as the
special prosecutor.
The appointment of Mr. Hur, who previously served as the U.S. attorney for Maryland during the Trump administration, is tasked with investigating “the possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records discovered” at the office of Mr. Biden’s think tank in Washington and his residence in Wilmington, Del., according to the order signed by Mr. Garland on Wednesday.
Hur's background is notable since he was the US Attorney who requested that the justification of an FBI raid on a reportedly recognized Clinton Foundation whistleblower’s home remain secret. 
A senior department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the decision by Mr. Garlandwas not taken lightly” but was required under department regulations as “a textbook example” of an investigation that necessitated appointment of a special counsel." ZeroHedge

Document Shows Hunter Owned Joe Biden’s Delaware House in 2018

"On a document titled, “background screening request,” it appears Hunter checked a box to indicate he owned Joe Biden’s home located in Wilmington, Delaware. The document is signed July, 2018.
In 2017, Joe Biden left the White House and apparently stored classified documents inside his garage, along with two other locations. The first batch of documents found are alleged to contain information pertaining to Ukraine and Iran, according to CNN.
The Biden family business has conducted many deals in Ukraine. In 2017, Hunter was paid $83,000 per month to be on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Hunter was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014 with no prior experience with the energy sector or Ukraine." Breitbart

Thursday, January 12, 2023

BREAKING: New Pile of Biden’s Classified Documents Found In Garage

"Biden has once again been found to leave classified documents from
his time as Vice President in a eyebrow raising location…
The documents were located in a storage area in Biden’s garage and an adjacent room, the statement reads." TP

Here's the Names of 10 Other Democrats Getting Roped-Up in Biden's Classified File Scandal

"10 members of Biden’s administration were formally employed at the think tank, including current Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
The list also includes Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl and White House Counselor Steven Richetti. Spencer Boyer, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for NATO and Europe policy was a senior fellow at Penn Biden. Deputy to the U.N. Ambassador Jeffrey Prescott was also a consultant and Ariana Berengaut, a national security advisor, served as a center director. To round out the list: U.S. representative to the Organization of Security and Cooperation Europe Michael Carpenter, special assistant Juan Gonzalez, speechwriter Carlyn Reichel, and former deputy secretary of state Brian McKeon......longtime Penn State president Amy Gutmann and the former head of the school’s Board of Trustees David Cohen were also connected to the think tank, both attending Penn Biden’s opening ceremony. Gutmann has since become U.S. Ambassador to Germany while Cohen was tapped for the Canada ambassadorship....The contents of these docs cover many important events during the President Barack Obama years, including the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, the 2014 Maidan Revolution in Ukraine, and the Russian annexation of Crimea." WesternJournal

Hunter Biden, China, classified documents: Mystery swirls around Penn Biden Center

"The White House revealed earlier this week that classified
documents were discovered at the Washington, D.C. office for President Biden's think tank, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, in early November. On Wednesday, news broke that another trove of classified documents from Biden's time as vice president had been discovered at another location, leading to louder calls for Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate the president's handling of such documents. 
The Biden Center has since found itself in the middle of a firestorm, leading to renewed questions on the likes of Chinese donations to the University of Pennsylvania, which houses the think tank. Hunter Biden is also shown to have discussed the center in emails before its launch.
On April 25, 2016, Creative Artists Agency (CAA) agent Craig Gering emailed Hunter with "confidential notes from our meeting," in which Gering listed apparent plans that were discussed for the vice president upon leaving office. 
One of those plans included "wealth creation," with no further explanation, and another included an apparent reference to the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., with a possible job opportunity for Hunter.
"The Biden Institute of Foreign Relations at the University of Pennsylvania," Gering's email read. "Focus on foreign policy. In addition to the institute at U of Penn, the school has an existing office in DC that will be expanded to house a DC office for VP Biden (and Mike, Hunter and Steve?). Operates like The Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise."
Hunter then confirmed Gering's notes but emphasized that they needed to be "very confidential" because they were not set in stone. 
"Yes," Hunter replied, "in theory that's the way I would like to see it shake out--- BUT please keep this very confidential between us because nothing has been set in stone and there's still a lot of sensitivity around all of this both internally and externally. He hasn't made any decisions and this could all be changed overnight."
Joe Biden left the vice presidency on Jan. 20, 2017, and was hired as a professor at Penn less four weeks after that, where he was paid a total of $776,527 in 2017 and 2018, which was nearly double what full-time Penn professors. 
Penn took in roughly $77 million in gifts and contracts from China between 2014 and 2020.....Penn also struggled to explain a $3 million donation from 2019 from a Hong Kong shell company tied to Chinese national and businessman Xu Xeuqing." FOX

Biden Aides Discover More Classified Documents at Separate Location

"Biden’s aides have discovered more classified documents in his possession at a different location, according to a report from NBC News.
The report does not say where or when the new documents were
discovered, but it is clear the White House is attempting to clean up Biden’s records ahead of a possible run for reelection in 2024.
The newly discovered documents are from a location separate from the private office connected to a University of Pennsylvania think tank that Biden had in Washington, DC, where the first batch of classified information was discovered.
Biden claimed Tuesday he was “surprised” that classified documents were found in his possession, repeating he was ignorant of their contents.
 “I don’t know what’s in the documents,” he continued. “My lawyers have not suggested I not ask what documents they were.”
The White House has stonewalled any additional information about the documents that were first discovered just days before the 2022 midterm elections." Breitbart

Graham Calls for Special Counsel to Probe Biden’s Handling of Classified Documents

"Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that Attorney General Merrick Garland should appoint a special counsel to review President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents after another set was found Wednesday at an old office.
Graham said, I think if you believe a special counsel is necessary to assure the public about the handling of classified documents by Donald Trump, you should apply a special counsel to the mishandling of classified documents by President Biden when he was vice president.” Breitbart

Garland Named Special Counsel to Investigate Trump, Not Biden, Two Weeks After Biden Classified Docs Discovered

"On November 18, Garland named former federal prosecutor Jack Smith special counsel for two probes by the Department of Justice of Trump. About two weeks prior, on November 2, Biden’s classified documents were reportedly unearthed at Biden’s so-called “think tank,” the Penn Biden Center, by the president’s attorney.
The timeline suggests Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate Biden’s 2024 presidential political opponent for allegedly mishandling classified documents while potentially knowing Biden had allegedly committed the same violation. 
Biden has claimed he did not know classified documents were stashed at the Penn Biden Center, but Mike Davis, founder and president of the pro-Trump Article III Project, called Biden’s claim “nonsense.”
Biden moved these stolen classified records twice: a. Before January 20, 2017 (left White House) b. After moving into new office in February 2018,he tweeted. “Biden had these stolen classified records in his personal files. Garland must appoint a Special Counsel.” Breitbart

Trump Responds to Biden Leaving Classified Documents in Old Office: ‘Is the FBI Going to Raid’ Biden?

"Former President Donald Trump responded to the CBS News report claiming Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned a U.S. attorney to review roughly ten classified documents found in an office once used by President Joe Biden.
When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden,” Trump questioned on his Truth Social.
Trump was referring to when his home in Florida, Mar-A-Lago, was raided by FBI agents mid last year. The FBI searched his residence for classified material that the former president could have removed from the White House when he moved out. The search reportedly included agents going through Melania’s bedroom and closets. Following the raid, some of the seized materials the FBI took included over 50 empty folders.
However, the Monday night report from CBS News explained that there had been a U.S. attorney assigned to look over “documents marked classified” that were found at Biden’s vice-presidential office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.
The material was identified by personal attorneys for Mr. Biden on Nov. 2, just before the midterm elections, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president confirmed. The documents were discovered when Mr. Biden’s personal attorneys “were packing files housed in a locked closet to prepare to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.,” Sauber said in a statement to CBS News. The documents were contained in a folder that was in a box with other unclassified papers, the sources said." Breitbart